Special Guest – Melissa Watson

Local resident Melissa approached us last year to assist with funding an overseas project being run by Edith Cowan University and Nineteen Degrees, providing nursing students the opportunity to travel to third world countries where there is limited medical resources available, and complete part of their placement hours.

Melissa and 10 other students travelled to Vietnam in October 2023, visiting two villages in Hanoi and staying with local families. They provided education and prevention methods to local teen girls, teaming up with Days for Girls who create menstrual packs and education regarding menstrual cycles. They also added in toothbrushes and toothpaste, as well as discussing forms of contraception and risks associated such as pregnancy and STDs.

It was great to hear from Melissa and we were proud to contribute to such a great project. Melissa presented us with a beautiful piece of art and a patchwork elephant!